Sunday, November 10, 2013

Challenge Five: Rafting!

Well!!!  Unfortunately due to me breaking my arm back in October, I was unable to go with the WPCA Group on this challenge.  BUT!....  Luckily back in September I went rafting with my Dad, his friend and some Outdoor Tourism students and tutors from NMIT.  So this means Ms. E can tick my name off as completing the Rafting Challenge.  

We were about to raft a hard section of the Buller River.  We were well dressed in wetsuits and safety gear, then instructed and practiced what to do and how to do it.  We started at the Gowan Valley Bridge and slowly but steadily rafted down the river.  Then it was all on!  We were doing hard areas and then resting in easier patches, until we came across a Grade Five rapid called 'The Granity'.   In our approach, we got it slightly wrong!..... All of a sudden, we were dumped into the FREEZING water, causing me to hyperventilate!  I felt my breath being ripped out of me causing me to breath fast and shallow!  In a flash, Dad washed past.  I raised my arm and shouted "Help".  There were throw bags and ropes criss-crossing the river and instructors leaping from raft to raft.  Dad grabbed a rope and held on, grabbing me as I went past.  Next thing I was being hauled up into a raft and we were out of the river.  Once I composed myself I said to Dad that "that was awesome!"  We went on to complete the run coming across some more rapids like "The Devil's Elbow".  I had a great time.  We talked about it the whole way home.  Luckily Dad's car has a good heater because I was wet right down to my undies!

My Last Summer Planting

This week (with a broken arm, due to a little bit of enthusiastic trampolining at home!) I headed up to our garden with a shovel and a container full of potatoes that we had left to sprout in the garage over three weeks.  I grabbed three potatoes and placed them into the wee holes Dad was making.  As yet there is no sign of any sprouting coming through but I will continue to water and check them. Hopefully they will be ready by Christmas!

Although this is my last planting, I will still be keeping Mum's herb garden up to date.  There's a bit of trimming to do and a few new plantings!  Also a couple of weeks ago I replanted some lettuces.  I realised in the Summer that they grow 25% faster than in the Winter!