Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Community Service: Boulder Bank Clean Up

On Sunday, my two brothers, my cousin, Dad and myself travelled to the Boulder Bank and set off on a rubbish clean up.  My cousin and brothers decided to slide down rock slides!  I grabbed my bag and focused on the little amount of rubbish to be found!  There were mainly drink bottles, an onion bag, alot of plastic tags and even a small dead eel!  I was very surprised with the little amount of rubbish that I had collected.  We walked about 4.5km and filled one and a half bags in total. This surprised me!
The Boulder Bank is a natural sea wall stretching 13km along the Nelson coast and is made entirely of rocks.  It is one of only two such natural structures in the world.  The other is in Japan.

Community Service:  17.5 hours to date

Mmmm.... where is all the rubbish?
"Keep up Sam"
Trying to annoy Dad!
Not far to go now
Pretty pleased with the lack of rubbish

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Community Service: Neighbourhood Food Collection

Earlier this week my brother and I ran down our street and put 70 flyers (see below) in the letterboxes of our street.  So we waited until Sunday and then started our food search!  Dad and my little brother helped me collect the cans, they were on one side of the road and I was on the other.  The first letterbox had sliced beetroot.  A quick look in some more letterboxes and all of a sudden there were quite a few cans and other goodies to fill our bags.  Upon opening one letterbox I discovered a big bag of cat food along with a very generous $5 for me!!  The message on the envelope was "for you to keep Josh"!  
I was very impressed with the generosity of the people in our neighbourhood.  I will deliver the food to the SPCA and Night Shelter this week.

Community Service:  15.5 hours to date
My Flyer
What a great neighbourhood!